Keith Fowler

Double your sales (without doubling your budget)

Want to double your sales? Of course you do. You’re probably used to thinking about doubling your budget for Google and Facebook ads and SEO in order to do so. But you can double your sales without raising your online marketing budget by one penny.

How? You need to think about your sales from the opposite end and do more with what you already have – your website. Doubling your website conversion rate has a knock-on effect – it doubles the efficacy of all of your other marketing strategies.

Conversion Rates 101

So, when it comes to your website, what is conversion? Essentially, it is a lead. Every phone enquiry, contact form filled out, new email, and appointment booking – they’re all classified as conversions.

To figure out your conversion rate, you first need to determine the number of visitors to your site. Then, you divide this number by the number of conversions. That’s your conversion rate – and it can always get better.

Why do clients convert?

When visitors to your website are impressed by your offering, they’ll trust you – and when they trust you, they convert. You need to show them that you are a trustworthy and reliable source. Your language, your social media, and your website content – it must all work together to build confidence and highlight your brand.   

What conversion rate should you aim for?

Every different industry has its ideal conversion rates. An ad agency will have very different conversion rates than a laundromat! A good rule of thumb? Aim between 5% and 15%, with trades and practical services on the higher end, and professional services on the lower end.

If your conversion rate is now 7%, imagine if you could ratchet it up to 14%? What would that mean for your business? Your digital marketing services would then be doing double duty, and your ROI doubled. That’s absolutely massive.

Three things you can do right now to increase your conversion rates

By improving your conversion rate, you’ll save time, boost your ROI, and start attracting new business faster than you imagine.

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